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  • Writer's pictureBeatrice

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I recently went on a school trip to California and had a great time. While we were there we went to Joshua Tree National Park, which is widely renowed as a top 10 star-gazing place in the entire world! I had never seen stars like that before in my life; the entire sky was absolutely bursting with them.

One night, I got the incredible opportunity to attend a two hour long star gazing workshop and tour. It was an amazing experience; I lay on the ground for two hours and watch the entire universe open up and become accessible to me in a way it never had before. Instead of just vaguely understanding where the constellations were, I actually managed to see them and understand the shapes they were forming.

Inspired, I bought my own book at the next store we stopped at -- Night Sky: A Field Guide to the Constellations. I'm very glad I did so. The book is awesome. The cool thing about the night sky, at least how we tend to understand it in the Western World, is that it is grouped by constellations that the Romans and Greeks created. So my star book has awesome pages upon pages about the mythology behind each of the constellations! Also, most of the constellations still go by their original Latin names, such as Gemini (twins), Ara (altar), and Leo (lion).

Looking at the stars is a new fun and exciting hobby of mine. It's also great because, similarly to translating original texts or visiting ruins, it gives me a strong sense of connection to the Romans and Ancient Greeks. There's a sense of I am here, just as you were. Thousands of years apart, we are feeling and experiencing the same thing, all under one sky.

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